Greetings !
This blog is about my life dealing with Chronic Pain and Disability on a small farm in the Missouri Ozarks. I am mother of 2 grown and wonderful daughters,a Granny of 5 and a Great Granny of 1 . I have been married for 38 years , my hubby and I live on a 3 acre farmstead about 7 miles from a small town in the Missouri Ozarks where we garden and have a small rabbitry , we raise a few pigs and hopefully some chickens soon. My health issues started when I was 5 when I came down with Legg Perthes disease which began my journey with disability and chronic pain. Below is a list a most of what I deal with on a day by day, minute by minute basis.
Tinnitus I have a long history of ear infections, I now have a prosthetic eardrum in Rt. ear. My hearing is very bad because of the long history of infections. But to add to the hearing deficit I have a continuing ringing /buzzing almost all the time that about drives me batty, but have grown use to it but sometimes it gets a bit too loud for me, it sounds like cicadas and lots of them on a summer day.
PolymyalgiaRheumatica (PMR)This disease is the most painful of the whole bunch it would not bother me as much if I could take higher doses of prednisone, but I keep the dose low because of terrible effects from it and my shoulder arthritis blends into it so I have a time figuring out what is the real cause for the hurting and when.
OSTEOARTHRITIS(OA)started with my left hip, then from that to my low back and then it moved up the spine to my neck and both shoulders, my wrists, knuckles, both knees, ankles and toes.My hip and rt. knee and both shoulders need replacement, but because of my weight they will not do so I suffer and now can not walk too many steps and standing for a short spell only ,so I am in a wheel chair but I can not use my arms to use it and must use my legs which get tricky when my knees decide to flare up on me then my hubby has to push me around.
I do believe I have other kinds of arthritis but blood test do not agree although my symptoms disagree with them. My doctor believes I may also have
seronegative rheumatoid arthritis I tend to have symmetrical joint and pain issues that have a low pain level most of the time like around 3-5 but when they flare they swell up become stiff and pain up around 7-8 then I am persuaded that it is RA
FIBROMYALGIA (FA) I have almost all symptoms of this wonderful disease
Type 2 Diabetes, got this baby if I was guessing from Prednisone and from weight gain.This is not giving me to much of a problem as long as I stick to a low carb diet.
Hypertension caused by prednisone that I must take for PMR
Hypothyroidism ,discovered this jewel of an issue in 1988 although I take a pill for this and my blood test are usually in the normal range I still believe a lot of my issues is related to this.
INSOMNIA /painsomnia caused by medications and health issues and pain.I have what I call 'all nighters' about 1 or 2 times a week where I can not go to sleep at all, I may finally get a couple hour nap after breakfast in the morning. Most times I wake up alot during the night mostly due to pain.
I am now in a wheel chair but I am determined not to be defined by my aches and pains and I will continue to do the things I love in spite of them. I use folk and herbal medicines to help me get off of prescription medications whenever I can.

Me and the grand-kids
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